Congratulations to the Geelong Club (2014 Show)
As we look forward to the 2016 National Bottle and Collectables Show in October it’s nice to reflect on some of the events managed by our club in the past. Here’s a lovely letter of Congratulations to the Geelong Club on our 2014 show.
Hi David, and committee of the Geelong Collectors Club
Congratulations on running a very successful show on Saturday, and thank you very much for including cycles in the mix, we had a terrific day.
You have the place right. The Showgrounds offers easy access with plenty of space. The pavilion was spacious, airy, with the right distance between exhibits, a perfect venue I thought.
The program was just right, the auction on Friday night drew together those who attended and the early start reinforced this connectedness. Alan and Noel and others (the nice chap on the entry on Friday whose name I don’t know) who gave security acted as ties into the activity of the day, we felt we were part of something bigger than just ourselves.
The delineation of sellers and exhibits on show was a perfect mix. There was something to see and something to buy. The exhibits on show were variable and idiosyncratic, wonderful. The little boy who put his exhibit on show was a true winner. Here is the future, the way we all started but for most of us no such chance to display in public was available. One lady who collected frogs was an example of the implication of such a chance. Without fear of criticism she gains confidence, and not just just in collection but in everything she does.
We, the cycling buffs, learned heaps and should we be invited to display again, will have a much more thoughtful exhibit. One huge win for me was that the author of a cycling history from Mildura was present. He had published in 1988 and his work was an incentive for me and the Whirr of Many Wheels. Meeting and talking to him was perhaps one of the most important times I have had in the project. That meeting was very significant, so the show strengthens my arm in future work.
Thank you also for supporting the Whirr of Many Wheels project. Those who buy keep the wheels turning and I appreciate your purchase and hope those who read, enjoy.
Well done, you would have to be one of the most efficient and capable committees in the district.