Geelong club meeting July 25th 2016.
A big thanks to Noel Dawson, Vice President, for running our June meeting whilst I was on leave. See you all Monday 25th, July. 7.30 pm for an 8pm start. Upstairs, Barwon River Pavilion. under the James Harrison Bridge, near corner Barrabool Road & High Street, Belmont. Bring along your latest finds and any display items you want to talk about and educate us.
Fees and E news letter
There are still a few who I keep forgetting to remind to pay their 2016 Club Subscription! Also let us know if you are happy to receive your newsletter by email. And our erstwhile editor, Cam Ward, needs your stories, show reports, collector profiles, articles on items from your collection to get some words and less photos in. Cam’s email:
Latest Finds and Displays
Please bring something you have had in your collection but want to bring along to talk to the rest of us inquisitive and willing members about. We love your latest finds as well.
Bunnings Fundraising BBQs
Thanks to Allan Snowden and Paul Bruce for organising this important fund raiser, and everyone who helped on the day. GBACC needs more money in the bank to make sure we can run a fantastic National Bottle & Collectables show and come out of it financially OK. Our first BBQ profit and future larger profits, plus the market day, will help achieve this. See report next page and attached.
And see the roster for next dates you can help, August 2nd and 12th, September 9th.
Social media and new website
The Facebook page and website, thanks to David Bruce and ABCR auctions, means we are promoting the hobby to people who do not know we exist! Have a look at them for latest news and copies of past reports, auction results on Geelong items, etc
Geelong 2016 National Bottle & Collectables Show
It’s nearly time to start some serious marketing and promoting the show. I will be asking you all to circulate posters, flyers and entries to everyone you know in a separate email after the meeting. Committee in final stages of locking everything in
Schedule is available electronically on our website or I have spare copies.
Next Geelong Bottle & Collectables club meeting
Monday August 22nd. Yes 4th Monday !! (NOT the 29th!!!)
Next events:
Maryborough Show August 26th to 28th.
National Bottle and Collectables Show Geelong Showgrounds October 21st to 23rd.
Morwell show November 25th to 27th.
Cheers in collecting,
David 0419434306
Geelong Bottle & Collectables Club Fundraising Bunnings BBQ 17/7/16
Total Income
Receipted Expenditure
Cash profit
Stock On Hand Drinks etc
$120.00 estimate
This was a very satisfactory first effort which required a one off purchase of essential operating gear such as aprons, detergent, sausage holders, rubbish bins etc. as well as expendables such as sausages, bread, onions, and drinks
Next time a turnover of $901 would give us a profit close to $700 Which makes the whole exercise very worthwhile even during the week
Alan and I believe that we could start our roster at 7.30 with two people —- many tradies were looking for sausages at the start of the day. For most of the day 4 people would have been adequate to run the show except for the lunch period from say 11.30 to 1.30 where 5 were needed
Alan believes that the resting trays should be on the right hand side of the BBQ—the BBQ slopes to the left as well— and then there would be no need for double handling the sausages The person doing the cooking could then concentrate on that
The acquittal at the end in the office upstairs is a bit time consuming however Bunnings were very happy with our group and preparation (big thanks to Alan). Liz Keck the coordinator has offered us a Tuesday in a couple of weeks. I need to phone them this Monday if we want it. Also I need to submit another expression of interest on the 1st August and she will give us some more Fridays and try to squeeze in a Saturday or Sunday for us.
Thanks are due to everyone on our roster. Bunnings were very impressed by our preparation, readiness and service to their customers and also the clean up where the BBQ area was left in a state better than how we found it. This all is evaluated in the final acquittal form.
Thanks again to everyone for their support. Great result!!!!
Paul and Alan